Who Am I?

The short answer—I’m a writer, a teacher, and a mom from upstate New York.

The longer, realer, more interesting answer is that I’m a recovering black thumb gardener, a laughably bad dog mom, a college-in-prison administrator and English professor, a grammar nerd, an amateur baker, a work in progress every day and in every way, a judgmental bitch when the situation requires it (and occasionally when it doesn’t), a loyal friend, a bold editor, and a very okay mom. I’ve worked as a driver education instructor, an event coordinator, a grocery shelf resetter, a nanny, and an assistant editor.

My writing projects are finally starting to feel more substantive and closer to publication, and I want to write and collaborate more with other writers. In short, I want to spend more time connecting through words—written, spoken, signed, sung, translated, published, and in progress.

Now. Who are you?